Used on cover.

The following three covers were posted on the abdication day — 10th December 1936

Cover with pair used in conjunction with World Cup 1966 stamp,
posted on the last day of use of sterling stamps — 29th February 1972.

The Thunderstorm Census Organisation
Thunderstorm Report.

S. Morris Bower set up the Thunderstorm Census Organisation at his home in Huddersfield, in 1924.
Initially the Census covered only the Summer period, but was extended later to cover all seasons.
Volunteer observers were recruited and a method of unified reporting of thunderstorms was instituted
using a system of pre-printed postcards.
The postcards appear to have remained remarkably consistent throughout the life of the TCO.
Early cards had room to note details: time of the storm, severity, weather, wind and temperature
together with a 'storm diagram' grid. There was also space for 'Additional Notes'.
Later cards incorporated a 'compass rose' on which the observer could chart the progress of the thunderstorm.
There was also a handy reminder of the method most of us were taught as schoolchildren
for measuring distance by counting the seconds between the lightning flash and roll of thunder.
The TCO continued until Bower's death in 1982.

Information regarding these Thunderstorm covers kindly supplied by

Sheet stamps.(5 pages.)
Booklets.(8 pages.)
Booklet panes. (1 page)
Coil stamps and leaders.(1 page)
Cancelled and Punched.(1 page)
Varieties G.B. (3 pages)
Postage due. (1 page)
Morocco Agencies. (5 pages)
Morocco Agencies varieties. (2 pages)
Ephemera. (2 pages)
Fantasy stamps.(1 page)
Used on cover. (1 page)
Hard times. (1 page)
Late additions. (1 page)