(John Allen), Ltd., in sheets of 240.
The watermark was the same as that for the Postage Stamps,
Crown over E 8 R, but as the labels were of horizontal oblong format the watermark was sideways in relation to the design. Perforation was 14 x 15. The labels were all of similar design but the 2/6 was inscribed
TO PAY whereas the others read POSTAGE DUE.
Sheet stamps.(5 pages.)
Booklets.(8 pages.)
Booklet panes. (1 page)
Coil stamps and leaders.(1 page)
Cancelled and Punched.(1 page)
Varieties G.B. (3 pages)
Postage due. (1 page)
Morocco Agencies. (5 pages)
Morocco Agencies varieties. (2 pages)
Ephemera. (2 pages)
Fantasy stamps.(1 page)
Used on cover. (1 page)
Hard times. (1 page)
Late additions. (1 page)