Details underneath each pane show the number of copies of that pane in the collection and the watermark. U = Upright, I = Inverted.
Cylinder G7 was used for printing the advertisement panes and exists in the original and the rechromed state. Most of the perforating was done with the Type I (Stop I) machine which gives the stop pane an imperforate margin and the no stop pane one extension hole in the margin. Apparently some sheets were pinted with Type II machine which gives the stop pane a perforated margin and the no stop pane an imperforate margin.
Also included in the collection are part panes as listed:-
1 upr 2 inv. 6 cyl nbrs. = 9.             2 upr. 2 inv. 4 cyl nbrs. = 8.
1 upr. 8 inv. 5 cyl. nbrs. = 14.               15 panes 3 cyl nbrs. = 18.
I = Imperforate margin. P = Perforated margin. E = Extension hole.
Advert number 2. Perf. E.                     Advert number 4. Perf. P.
Advert number 6. Perf. E.                     Advert number 7. Perf. P.
Advert number 8. Perf. P.                     Advert number 10. Perf. P.
Advert number 12. Perf. P.                     Advert number 13. Perf. E.
Advert number 14. Perf. P.                     Advert number 15. Perf. P.
Capital/Universal advert. plus 2 stamps, no selvedge.
Come on the telephone advert. plus 2 stamps, no selvedge.
Everitts advert. stamps/labels complete but no selvedge.
Drages advert. stamps/labels complete but no selvedge.
Universal advert. stamps/labels complete but no selvedge.
Sheet stamps.(5 pages.)
Booklets.(8 pages.)
Booklet panes. (1 page)
Coil stamps and leaders.(1 page)
Cancelled and Punched.(1 page)
Varieties G.B. (3 pages)
Postage due. (1 page)
Morocco Agencies. (5 pages)
Morocco Agencies varieties. (2 pages)
Ephemera. (2 pages)
Fantasy stamps.(1 page)
Used on cover. (1 page)
Hard times. (1 page)
Late additions. (1 page)