The Coil Stamps.

Cylinders of special layout were prepared to print stamps of the ½d and 1d values for issue in continuous coils with lengthwise delivery. They were similar to the cylinders printing Post Office sheets except that the transverse gutter was filled in with an extra row of stamp images so that at each revolution the cylinder printed two panes of 252 stamps each.

Each coil wrapper has a code letter contained within brackets, the description of its contents and its price. The coils were made for two purposes:-

For use in stamp affixing machines and private vending machines:-

Coils of 480 stamps.

½d (G)

1d (E)

coils of 960 stamps.

½d (D)

1d (B)


For use in Post Office vending machines:-

Coils of 960 stamps

½d (W)

1d (X)

Coils of 1920 stamps.

½d (Y)

1d (Z)


The 2½d (M) coil with sideways delivery of 480 stamps for use in sideways delivery stamp affixing machines was also on issue. But as this was made up by joining horizontal rows severed from Post Office sheets, no special cylinders were necessary. The stamps had upright watermark.

The only coil leaders we have are illustrated and we have never seen an example of a 2½d coil leader.


A coil join pair of 2½d value showing how they were joined from existing sheets.


Examples of coil ends:-

Sheet stamps.(5 pages.)
Booklets.(8 pages.)
Booklet panes. (1 page)
Coil stamps and leaders.(1 page)
Cancelled and Punched.(1 page)
Varieties G.B. (3 pages)
Postage due. (1 page)
Morocco Agencies. (5 pages)
Morocco Agencies varieties. (2 pages)
Ephemera. (2 pages)
Fantasy stamps.(1 page)
Used on cover. (1 page)
Hard times. (1 page)
Late additions. (1 page)